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This can be found by navigating on the Touchscreen to the System tab -> About -> Printer Information, or on the lower left side of the back of your unit.
This is the version of NexaX you're using. It can be found at the top left corner of the window, in the title bar. If your version is not the latest release, we recommend updating to the latest release located here: https://support.nexa3d.com/hc/en-us/p/downloads
The printer firmware version can be found by navigating to System -> Settings -> System Version on the touchscreen. It should follow the format #.#.#.#. See this image for an example: https://bit.ly/3mfTK8U
Please attach clear pictures of your failure as well as the .nxa & .nxs files for this print.
Is the machine inoperable at the moment?
If multiple, please let us know all materials
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