In NexaX 2.8 and later, there are two separate sets of custom support settings: Pillar and Scaffold support. For an overview of the support generation tool in general, take a look at our Generating Supports article.
Pillar Custom Support Settings
Overhang Angle (°) - Dictates the maximum angle between the surface and the build plate.
Support in Shell - If toggled on, supports will generate inside of hollowed parts
Distance to Build Plate (mm) - Dictates the height between the lowest point of the model and the build plate
Cross-Section Shape - This dropdown allows the user to choose the shape of the support tips, pillars and bases (Circle, Square or Octagon)
Tip Distance (mm) - Dictates the minimum horizontal distance between each contact tip
Pillar Distance (mm) - Changes the minimum horizontal distance between each pillar
Contact Tip Settings
Contact Tip Diameter (mm) - Determines the diameter at the end of the contact tip
Contact Tip Length (mm)- Dictates the maximum length of the contact tip
Max Angle from Pillar (°) - Dictates the maximum angle between the contact tip and its respective pillar
Enable Ball Point - When toggled on, adds a spherical tip to the end of the contact tip, which can help prevent pits left in touch points during post-processing.
Ball Point Diameter (mm) - If the ball point is enabled, this slider dictates the size of the diameter of the ball point tip.
Contact Tip Depth (mm) - This slider changes the depth that the tip will penetrate into the part.
Pillar Settings
Top Diameter (mm) - Determines the diameter at the top of the pillar where it meets the base of the contact tip
Bottom Diameter (mm) - Changes the diameter at the bottom of the pillar
Minimum Space from Model (mm) - Adjusts the minimum horizontal distance between the pillar and the body of the model itself
Maximum Distance from Contact Tip (mm) - Changes the maximum distance away that the pillar can generate from the contact point
Enable Cross Bracing - This switch toggles on and off cross braces that generate between the pillars to reinforce each other, which can add extra stability but takes slightly more material.
Base Contact Points (Part-to-Part) - "Part-to-Part" support pillars (e.g. supports that connect one section of a printed part to another) can have multiple contact points at the base of the support pillar. This slider changes the amount of contact points.
Raft Settings
Enable Raft - This toggle switch enables the software to generate a raft that connects the supports together for better build plate adherence. Rafts create a more stable bond, but can take up more material.
Raft Type - Two types of raft can be generated can be chosen from this dropdown menu: Platform, or Interconnected. Platform creates a full raft with a chamfered edge for a strong bond with easier removal. Interconnected minimizes the raft footprint while trying to maintain a strong bond to the build plate without the chamfered edge.
Raft Area (%) - This dictates the size of the generated raft in comparison to the silhouette of the model on the build plate (which is 100%). It can size down to 50% and up to 150%
Raft Thickness (mm) - This slider adjusts the height of the raft in millimeters
Scaffold Custom Support Settings
Contact tip width (mm)- Changes the width of the contact tip that touches the part
Contact width (mm) - Changes the width of the contact where it meets the beam
Inner Point Influence Radius (mm) - Changes the influence radius of the inner (non-edge) support points
Edge point influence radius (mm) - Changes the influence radius of the internal edge support points
Contact Length (mm) - Changes the length of the contact beams (the beams that attach the scaffolding to the part)
Contact Penetration (mm) - Changes the penetration depth of the contact beams into the part
X/Y Offset (mm) - Changes the distance of the final support beam. The supports must be cleared and regenerated in order for this setting to be applied!
Beam thickness (mm) - Adjusts the thickness of the beams in the scaffolding structure
Unit Cell Size (mm) - Changes size of the single unit of of the scaffolding grid
Rim Height (mm) - Changes the height of the footprint plate below the scaffold support structure
Bar Raft Thickness (mm) - Thickening of the bottom part of the bars that are not attached to the rim, measured in fraction of the beam thickness
Critical Overhang Angle (degrees) - Changes the critical angle of the area of support. Any surface of the model with an angle lower than the critical angle will be supported.
Build Plate Distance (mm) - Distance between the bottom of the model and the build plate plane
Silhouette Distance (mm) - Adjusts the footprint of the scaffolding grid to be within the set distance of the silhouette of the model.
Maximum Overhang Distance (mm) - Supports will not be generated for overhangs smaller than this distance setting
Minimum Distance to Part (mm) - Scaffolding grid will not be closer to the part than this distance setting
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