LSPc Washing and Curing Recomendations

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Resin Wash Regime

Post-Cure (min)

Flip Halfway Through Cycle

Post Bake
Wash+Cure xCURE  xCURE Desktop

I. 4 min xCLEAN

II. 2 min Isopropanol

30 30 8 @ 50% -
PRO9499-White 60 30 TBC -
xABS3843 60 60 20 @ 50% 2hr @ 120°C*
xMODEL35 60 60 TBC -
xPP405-Black 60 60 20 @ 50% -
xPRO410 60 60 TBC -
xPRO9400-FR 60 60 20 @ 100% 3hr @ 150°C
xCE-Black 60 60 TBC -
xMODEL17-Clear 4 min Isopropanol 20 30 TBC -
xDENT201-Gray 30 30 10 @ 50% -
xDENT341-Beige 30 30 10 @ 50% -

I. 2 min Isopropanol

II. Spray or dip with Mold Release Agent

III. Rest 5 minutes

60 in water 30 in water TBC -
xFLEX475-Black 90 in water 60 in water TBC -

I. 2 min xCLEAN

II. 2 min Isopropanol

60 60 TBC -
xPRO1100  60  60 20 @ 100% 2hr @ 100°C*
xPEEK147 60 60 20 @ 100% 3hr @ 170°C

I. 8 min xCLEAN

II. 8 min Isopropanol

40 45 TBC -
xCERAMIC3280 4 min brushing in Isopropanol~do not use Ultrasonic~ 60 60 20 @ 100% 2hr @ 150°C*
xMOLD 30 60 10 @ 50% -




1. Remove supports before washing and curing for best results.

2. Multiple baths are recommended, but the final rinse should be in clean solvent.

3. Avoid washing white or clear materials in the same bath at dark materials.

4. Wash submerged in agitated bath such as stirred or ultrasonic unless noted.

5. Blind holes and small passages require manual flushing before washing.

6. Dry immediately after rinsing with forced air and verify not tacky before curing.

7. Place items in the center of cure chamber and flip halve way through curing cycle if not on clear elevated shelf.

8. Post-bake is required to achieve advertised mechanical properties. Ramp up and down slowly, 1.5°C/min.

9. Find additional information on TDS and application notes at

*Post bake is optional, see TDS or Application Notes for details.


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