Importing Parts, Scenes & Jobs

Importing Parts, Scenes, and Jobs

After choosing your print settings, the next step will be to choose a file to import. NexaX can import .stl models, and import previously set up scenes.

To open the Import menu, click on the topmost icon on the left side of your screen. You will be presented with three options:

Import Model - Allows you to select a 3D model from your computer (.stl files are the currently supported file type). When exporting your 3D model from the CAD software of your choice, be sure to select .stl as the desired file type.

Load Scene - Here you can choose a previously created scene (.nxs). An .nxs file is a project file that retains your layout data (3D models, generated supports, orientation). This enables you to make adjustments to your layout data and print parameters.

Import NXA - A print job file (.nxa) contains the slices, print parameters, and instructions for executing the print. This file does not include any layout data, and so all other options will be greyed out. When importing an .nxa file, you will not be able to change the layout of the 3D models in the scene.



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