This is a quick start guide preparing files with NexaX. For a full user guide on all available NexaX features, we'd recommend reading through our NexaX documentation.
Downloading NexaX
- Download and install NexaX
- Ensure that you have the latest firmware
- Fill out the form and an EXE file should download automatically
- Open your Downloads folder and double-click the downloaded file to begin installing NexaX BasicFollow the prompts in the installation wizard to finish installing
Initial Job Setup
When NexaX is first opened, the Job Settings window will appear as shown below. This is where you will select the parameters for your print job.
Printer - This is where you choose your XiP printer via the drop down menu
Resin - Choose the appropriate resin you’re using via the drop down menu
Printer Properties - Choose your desired layer height (thickness)
A selection of 100 microns will give you the fastest possible print
A selection of 50 or 25 microns will increase the level of detail in your print, and will also increase print time
Large Solid Part Enhancement - changes print process to provide improved results for large solid parts. Will increase print time
Adaptive Speed Control - dynamically changes the speed of each layer depending on the required detail on each layer
Advanced Settings
Additional settings to fine tune your print parameters as response to the quality of your prints.
Base Layer - Changes the number of initial base layers in order to improve adhesion to the build area.
Wait Time - Adds a pause between each printed layer. Ideal for large geometries or parts that change size significantly from layer to layer.
Measured in seconds, 3 seconds is recommended for most parts
Base Exposure - Increase initial base layer exposure to improve adherence to the build area
- Low - Exposure is 30% less compared to Normal
- High - Exposure is 30% more compared to Normal
Normal Exposure - Exposure time that can be calibrated to print a more accurate part
- Low - Undercures the part by 20% compared to Normal
- High - Overcures the part by 20% compared to Normal
Apply - saves your print parameters and brings you to your scene
Cancel - discards settings and brings you to your scene
Importing Parts, Scenes, and Jobs
After choosing your print settings, the next step will be to choose a file to import.
NexaX not only allows you to import .stl models, but also import previously set up scenes (print job setups).
To open the Import menu, click on the topmost icon on the left side of your screen. You will be presented with three options:
Import Model - Allows you to select a 3D model from your computer (.stl files are the currently supported file type). When exporting your 3D model from the CAD software of your choice, be sure to select .stl as the desired file type.
Load Scene - Here you can choose a previously created scene (.nxs). An .nxs file is a project file that retains your layout data (3D models, generated supports, orientation). This enables you to make adjustments to your layout data and print parameters.
Import NXA - A print job file (.nxa) contains the slices and print parameters and instructions for your printer to be able to execute your 3D print. This file does not include any layout data, and so all other options will be greyed out. When importing an .nxa file, you will not be able to change the layout of the 3D models in the scene.
Moving, Rotating, Scaling, and Deleting Models
When the model is imported, click on it to activate the transform menu shortcuts. These shortcuts will appear in the top right hand corner of the NexaX window. These tools will feel familiar for any users of CAD software.
The Translate tool can be used to move the model around the build area.
Red Arrow - moves the model from side to side along the X-axis
Green Arrow - moves the model front to back along the Y-axis
Yellow Square - moves the model around the build area
The Rotate tool can be used to rotate the model to the desired orientation. Click and drag the red, green, and blue handles to rotate the part along each axis.
The Scale tool can be used to adjust the size of your model. Click and drag the green cubic handles in order to enlarge or shrink the model.
Use the Duplicate tool to create a copy of your original model.
The tool will automatically overlay a duplicate on top of the original model. You may see a warning that the models are intersecting. Use the translation tool to move the duplicate model away from your original model in the build area
The red trash can button will delete the selected model.
Transform Menu
The Transform Menu on the left side of your screen can be used to manipulate the position of the selected model.
Within this window, users can manually input the desired values for the Position, Rotation, and Scale of your model. User are able to toggle the unit of measurement from millimeters to inches. Click the lock icon next to the Scale input to join the relative aspect ratio of your model in X, Y, and Z.
Orient to Base
Use the Orient to Base tool to quickly choose the model face that makes contact with the build plate. Select the model, click "Orient to Base" and click the side of the model that that needs to make contact with the build plate.
The model will automatically orient the chosen side flat to the build area. Click done to apply the orientation changes.
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