Nexa3D LSPc Printer Versions

Nexa3D has 3 LSPc printer families

NX-Series Versions

NXE400 and 200 models are for industrial market, NXD200 is for dental market, however NXE profiles will run on NXD printers and vice versa provided the build height limit is not exceeded.

NX-series printers (NXE400, NXE200, NXD200, NXE400Pro, NXD200Pro, NXE200Pro) have been released with a few light engine versions. Each version requires fine adjustment to exposure parameters in order to achieve highest level of precision. All light engines are calibrated to the same light intensity and tolerance and are interchangeable. Changes are generally due to component obsolescence. Ensure you are using the .nxp settings for your light engine. Verify which light engine you have by using the guide below.

NXE400Pro July 2023 - Present

Top surface - same as LE4.

New 7K LCD and LED with lenses. 

Requires new LE PCB (single channel)

Short heat sink

NXE400 Pro, NXE200 Pro, NXD200 Pro. July 2022 - June 2023

Top surface: Protective glass, works with solid build plate, requires taller vat clamps.

Deeper Membrane Groove, no magnet hold downs. 

NOTE: requires a revF vat (larger opening) to avoid pinching the membrane.


 NXE400, NXD200, NXE200

Jan 2021 - August 2022

Top surface: protective glass



Jun 2020-Dec 2020

Top surface: film



Dec 2019-May 2020

Top surface: film

Note LE1-2 users may need to use older version of NexaX and .nxp files to have access to default printing parameters. They can use newer version of Nexa X but may need to create their own parameters within another NXE profile set.


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