Choosing Support Type for LSPc Printer in NexaX


NexaX build preparation software allows users to create 2 types of supports, scaffold and pillar. Both support types are fully configurable by the user. Each type of support has unique parameter naming and auto-generation algorithms.  The following guidelines are generalities, and the user may optimise supports for specific geometries, resins, and requirements. Read more about generating supports HERE. Read more about what each support parameter does HERE or just hover over the parameter in NexaX. 

Guidelines for Selecting Support Type

Rigid and semi-rigid materials should default to pillar type supports for most parts. Pillar supports generate faster and often use less material than scaffold support. Here are some examples with a "typical" part at 2 typical orientations. Both support options have similar projected areas (note Pillar 30° is interconnected raft). Generally speaking, pillar supports are less rigid than scaffolds because they cross-brace further from the part and allowing them to bend rather than break from shrinkage of larger parts.


FLEX materials must use scaffold support which are much stiffer than pillar supports. When printing tall supports, scaffolds are usually a better option than pillar supports, which may buckle, especially for semi-rigid materials like xPP or xABS. 


When printing with large supported areas, pillar supports are typically easier to remove because they are segmented, where a scaffold may need to be removed in one large piece.  Supports have an impact on base layer peel forces and resin flow as well. Scaffold supports are a good choice with slotted build plate because the slots stay open to resin flow. If using pillar, disable the raft. 


Scaffold supports are typically best when stacking parts. Pillar supports will try to make tall offsets. Pillar supports will have a larger projected area on the build plate.


Use scaffold supports when printing with some model surfaces directly on the build plate to avoid raft contact with the walls of the part. If using pillar supports, select interconnected raft to minimize interference.


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